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Kelowna Photography Lessons

On Saturday, we had our Kelowna photography lessons photo walk. It turned out grand!

If you’d like to skip straight to the gallery, head to

Otherwise, stay tuned!


Kal Park Vernon


It was a little more rainy than usual, and so some students didn’t want to come. I can see that. Some kids just don’t want to be sopping wet! The adventurous ones, though. They do, and they do.

Here we’re testing out a fast exposure on our camera. Nothing like a good jump shot!


Photography Lessons Vernon


However, the focus here was on rules of depth. You can see here we have a nice line of focus. Stormy days are some of my favourites for photography. You never know what you’re going to get. Dynamic and interesting lighting patterns are the usual.


Kal Park Vernon Kelowna Kal Park Dog Kal Park Vernon Kal Park


One of the reasons we choose Kal Provincial Park is because it’s pet friendly.  We can get some fast action photos of dogs doing what dogs love to do! Set that shutter speed nice and high, because it’s time to get some detail.


Kelowna Photography Lessons


We managed to get one more example of the rules of depth, and then it started raining.


Kelowna Photography Lessons


I highly recommend taking photos in the rain. This is a must for any photographer. A yongnuo off camera flash will help you out as well there. Backlighting your subjects will give you a dynamic look. Place the flash further away for maximum effect. Tell your subject to act normal ’cause you’re just testing out the setup for an even more dynamic setup. That way they relax and you get the real moments that happen – not just posed.


Kal Park Vernon Vernon Photography Lessons


Kids love the rain. At first. Then they hate it. It’s our duties as adults to document this. This little ninja was pretty brave – the whole time she had a smile on her face.


Kelowna Photography Lessons


I had quite a bit of water on my lens at this point. It did fog up the image. That being said, I like the effect. The point of this part of the photo walk was to show how any backlighting can reveal rain.


Vernon baby photographer


Here’s this little ninja trying to catch rain on her tongue. Always able to turn any situation into a fun adventure!


Kelowna Photography Lessons Kal Park Kelowna Kelowna Photography Lessons Photography Lessons Kelowna


It started to rain pretty hard, but the dogs were loving it. We only had a few minutes to wait for the sunset. And what a sunset it was!


Kal Provincial Park Vernon


The dogs found a ball, and we passed time by playing fetch. Not long now!


Kal Park Vernon Kal Provincial Park Photographer Kelowna Family Photographer Kelowna Wedding Photographer Kelowna Photographer Kelowna Wedding Photographer Vernon Family Photographer sampleDRAH1557 Kal Provincial Park


Sunset came and went quickly, but we were happy. Memory cards full of memories and the sunset, we trundled off. Class on monday is posing, and flashes for the advanced photographers on monday.

Thanks for reading this far! If you enjoyed this photos, and would like to see more, imagine what you’d see on my twitter and instagram and google plus! As always, you should contact me if you’re up for a shoot, or would like to order a print. Talk to you in a bit!

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